I want to be a Sadhu - Sardar Patel - To Safeguard Cutch | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

I want to be a Sadhu - Sardar Patel - To Safeguard Cutch

I want to be a Sadhu – Sardar Patel

I want to be a Sadhu - Sardar Patel - To Safeguard Cutch

I want to be a Sadhu Sardar Patel

“Once while in the Yeravada Jail roundabout 1945, Mahatma Gandhi had asked Sardar Patel what post he would accept after Independence, Sardar Patel had replied that he would become a SADHU” - N G Ranga wrote.

Note: Jawaharlal Nehru elected as Congress President in the year 1946 and become Prime Minister

Ref :  Had Sardar Patel Been The First Prime Minister -Justice S N Aggarwal

To Safeguard Cutch

[The infiltration of Pakistan into Cutch in 1965 matter of recent history. It were these considerations of defence and safety of the frontier post that Sardar, to that earlier day, revoked his earlier thought of merging Cutch into Saurashtra and tagged it to Centre as a Centrally-administered unit. What a tragic fate to Cutch that it still lost a precious lump proving the truth of the popular adage that when the salt loses its flavour wherewith shall it be salted! In this context Sardar’s message of 2nd June 1948 to the Maharao and the people of Cutch on this historic transfer of Cutch to Union makes a painful reading for our failing to that Warder on the Hills!]

The administrative, strategic and economic importance of Cutch cannot be over-emphasized. It forms, as it is, an important frontier outpost of India. Although backward in development, it possesses resources of immense potentialities. It has considerable scope for settlement of refugees uprooted from their homes and sorely needing succour, relief and rehabilitation. The people of Cutch are not lacking in grit, enterprise, determination, wealth and spirit of adventure. The success achieved by Cutchees in commerce and industry all over India is a sufficient testimony to those qualities.

The people of Cutch have also taken a prominent part in India's Struggle for Independence, having always been ready to place India's interests above their own. The latest decision of His Highness the Maharao of Cutch and his people to accept the advice of the Government of India that, from an all-India point of view, it was necessary that Cutch should merge into the Indian Dominion as a unit of Central administration rather than with any other unit is proof positive of their intense desire to subordinate narrow parochial interests to broader national considerations.

On this wise and patriotic decision, I congratulate both the Maharao and the people of Cutch and thank them for the valuable assistance they have given to the Indian Dominion in solving a very important and strategic problem. 

I should like to assure the Ruler and the people that, under Central administration, the welfare and interests of the people will always command vigilant attention and sympathetic understanding. They can rest assured that their well-being and prosperity shall be my constant thought. I have no doubt that they will extend to the new administration their wholehearted support and unstinted co-operation. 

Considerations too deep for casuistry or quibbling and factors too weighty for prejudiced or narrow-minded approach are involved in the decision which has been taken. I hope that, in their dealings with the new administration, the people of Cutch will show the same breadth of vision and spirit of understanding which they have displayed in coming to this decision.

I wish the people of Cutch all happiness and prosperity and to their Ruler my heartiest congratulations on the spirit of self-sacrifice in the cause of the country which he has shown.

I wish them all and the new administration Godspeed.


Ref – Sardar Patel – In Tune with the Millions I – Maniben Patel & G M Nandurkar

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