Today That Day | Gandhiji's Visit at Kaira - 1st November 2020 | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

Today That Day | Gandhiji's Visit at Kaira - 1st November 2020

Today That Day | Gandhiji's Visit at Kaira - 1st November 2020

On the first November Gandhi visited Nadiad and addressed a gathering of about 5,000 persons. Vallabhbhai Javerbhai Patel also spoke at the meeting. Gandhi began by urging the need of unity between Hindus and Mahommadans. during this connection he mentioned Moulvi of Ahmedabad who had been creating a breach between Hindus and Mahommadans. He said the person had not been authorised to talk on their behalf by himself or by the Khilafat Committee. He announced that he intended asking the Khilafat Committee and therefore the Swaraj Committee to issue certificates to persons who were authorised to talk on their behalf. He then went on to mention that Government intended taking repressive measures which it had been likely that he himself, Shaukat Ali, and Mohamed Ali would be arrested. just in case they were arrested there should be no violence, no bloodshed, no hartals and no lifting of rails. Government believed that the agitation within the country was thanks to the very fact that he and therefore the Ali Brothers were free. It should be proved to Government that it had been not he or Mohamed Ali or Shaukat Ali who demanded Swaraj or justice for the Punjab or the Khilafat, but the entire people. No representations should be made to Government just in case they were arrested. He then advised people to not send their children to Government schools because the education given there was impure, to not vote at the elections, and to form use of home-made cloth. People were advised to not celebrate Diwali this year. The festival is meant to precise the enjoyment of the people at the success of Ram over Rawan. But at the present there's the rule of the Rakshas and other people haven't any right to celebrate Diwali till Ramraj is established. He concluded his speech by saying that till then he had scrupulously avoided posing for money as he was afraid that the cash collected by his men could be misappropriated. (I think this a part of his speech has not been correctly reported.) But circumstances had arisen which compelled him to invite money. They wanted to possess national schools and therefore the work couldn't be accomplished without money. 

Gandhi and his party left Nadiad an equivalent night.

M. K. Gandhi received Mehmedabad and was met at the station by about fifty Home Rulers, etc., and ten volunteers, and brought in procession through the town. Handbills containing the subsequent phrases were restored on the roadsides : "If we've no voice in ruling our own country, we should always not pay taxes", " we should always fear the detectives of God much more than those of Government" India is for the Indians ", " self-government is my religious motto and it's what I desire", "By the sins of kings, calamities fail upon the themes , ana if the themes won't oppose them they invite more calamities by adding their own sins thereto", " If you've got no courage keep silent and see results of the fight of others", "When slaves forget their slavery there's no remedy for releasing them from their bondage."

Gandhi first addressed a gathering of about 300 women and urged them to try to to their bit towards non-co-operation. He then addressed a gathering of about 3,000 persons in his usual style and language. a handbag of Rs. 300 was presented to him. From Mehmedabad he went on to Nadiad an equivalent day. On his arrival at Nadiad he put up at the Santram temple. At 5 p.m. he aadressed a gathering of about 3,000 women within the Mogalkot dharamshala in South Bazar, and at 8 p.m. addressed an open-air meeting of about 10,000 persons outside tne Anmeaabadi Gate, under the presidentship of Vallabhbhai J. Patel. the most object of Gandhis visit was to gather funds. He evidently thinks that there's something within the wina, for he urged the people to not commit any acts of violence just in case he or any of the local agitators— he named Mohanlal K. Pandya, Gopaldas D. Talati and Kalyanji Mehta of Surat—were arrested. as was common he mentioned this Government as a devilish one. He mentioned a Moulvi in Ahmeda-bad (Moulvi Mustaq Ahmed) and condemned his manner of speech. He seems to possess given up the thought of requiring pleaders to suspend practising within the law courts, as he said that that question should be postponed. He urged the withdrawal of scholars from Government schools, the boycotting of the councils, celibacy, viz., to not increase and multiply, the utilization of swadeshi cloths and to celebrate the Diwali consistent with his article within the Navjivan. He entreated volunteers to not misappropriate public money and therefore the people to ascertain that their subscriptions visited properly authorised collectors.

Gandhi and party left Nadiad by mail for Broach on the first November.

Source : Source Material for a History of the Freedom Movememt in India (1920 to 1921)

Sardar Patel

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