Bombay Government Report on Vallabhbhai’s Role in Flag Satyagraha | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

Bombay Government Report on Vallabhbhai’s Role in Flag Satyagraha

Bombay Government Report on Vallabhbhai’s Role in Flag Satyagraha - 14-09-1922 - Bombay Archives

1. the resolution passed by the various Congress Committees at meetings held in the Bombay Presy in regard to the Nagpur National Flag Satyagraha. The statements also indicate the leaders of the Bombay Presy present on each occasion.

2. We have received no information from our officers that any batch of volunteers have actually started from Gujarat. As a matter offact in only one district, Kaira, have volunteers actually been enrolled for Nagpur.

3. The telegram is rather ambiguous. It is not clear whether the intention is to prosecute Bombay leaders in respect of incitements or active encouragement given in the Bombay Presy, e.g. pages 3 to 5 ante. On the other hand and rather more likely, the intention would appear to be to prosecute those of our leaders who actively incited or encouraged breaches of the law while on a visit at Nagpur. We know that Vallabhbhai J. Patel and G.B. Deshpande were at Nagpur on 30th and 31st May, and that they attended public meetings and spoke at them in support ofthe campaign. Vallabhbhai J. Patel in fact said he would send 200 volunteers from Gujarat. The prosecution of these by C.P. Government, as such action would hardly react in this Presy. The difficulty would be to arrest and transfer them ... the route of their journey. If, however, the C.P. intend to rope in all Bombay leaders for inciting and encouraging while in the Bombay Presy....

Reference : The Collected Works of Sardar Patel by P N Chopra

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