Vithalbhai and Vallabhbhai's cherished dream to go to England | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

Vithalbhai and Vallabhbhai's cherished dream to go to England

Vithalbhai and Vallabhbhai's cherished dream to go to England

It was Vallabhbhai's cherished dream to go to England and call at the Bar. Within three years of his setting up practice at Borsad, Vallabhbhai made enough money to pursue his studies in England. So in 1905, he wrote for passage to Thomas Cook & Sons. The Company's last reply addressed as "V. J. Patel" fell into the hands of his elder brother Vithalbhai, as both of them bore the same initials. Vithalbhai too was toying with the idea of going to England. And this was the golden opportunity! he, therefore, persuaded the younger brother to stave off his plan till he himself returned from England after calling at the Bar. Vallabhbhai not only surrendered his passport to Vithalbhai but also met his entire expenses in England. Not only that, he invited Vithalbhai's wife to stay with them and when he saw that his sister-in-law and his wife would not carry on in peace, he sent his own wife to her parents till Vithalbhai returned from England.

Reference : This was Sardar

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