Vallabhbhai Kanya Kelavani Mandal - Rajkot | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

Vallabhbhai Kanya Kelavani Mandal - Rajkot


His Excellency the Governor-General made the following speech at the opening ceremony of the Vallabh Kanya Kelavani Mandal building at Rajkot on October 22, 1948

Darbar Shri, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great joy to see a finished block of buildings dedicated to the cause of girls' education. It gives me additional joy to have been asked formally to open what will serve as a memorial to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's services to the people. The organisers are sad that Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is not able to be here in the flesh. He is, as you know, not enjoying strong health. You must therefore permit me to represent him both in body and mind. I can claim the privilege of sharing" as a brother in everything that is done for Vallabhbhai Patel. It is sad to remember that Vithalbhai Patel whose heart would have swelled with pride to see the freedom that we have now attained is gone You have already a memorial for him in Swaraj as well as in other institutions.
I was gratified to learn that eminent educationists have drawn up the scheme of education in this institution, philanthropic citizens have given all material assistance and good trustees are in charge. It is bound to be a success. Every girl trained here, I hope, will prove to be an exemplary teacher. I do not think there are many places in India where so much work has been done on a philanthropic basis, everything has proceeded so quickly and planned so efficiently as it has been here. I am glad to open a finished institution instead of laying a foundation-stone for an institution hereafter to be built.
I give my best wishes to all the girls. Let no one who is studying here imagine that girls who are in modern colleges are more lucky. Let them not imagine that here they go through a training which builds them up more to look after the household than after public institutions. In time to come, girls who are educated here will qualify better to be leaders even in the legislatures than college girls who come from the Universities. I utter this warning to the girls who are wasting their time in other colleges! There they get first-class education, but to a certain extent they are cut away from the main current of women’s life in India. Those who have organised the scheme of education in this institution—and I know all of them personally—have based it so that girls who are educated here can become true leaders of culture in India on the women’s side.
I thank the organizers on my own behalf, and, may I say, on behalf of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel also. Thank you for giving me the honour of being at this large and beautiful gathering.


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