Sardar Patel and Indian Nationalism by Dr Ravindra Kumar | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

Sardar Patel and Indian Nationalism by Dr Ravindra Kumar

Sardar Patel and Indian Nationalism by Dr Ravindra Kumar

Sardar Patel and Indian Nationalism by Dr Ravindra Kumar

About Dr. Ravindra Kumar

A well-known Indologist and the former Vice-Chancellor of CCS University Meerut, India, Kumar has been associated with several national and international academic, cultural, educational, peace and social bodies/institutions/organizations. As an International Professor and a Cultural Ambassador of India, he has delivered four than four hundred lectures at various institutions and universities of the world on subjects related to Asian values, civilization, culture, Gandhian philosophy, Indology, international co-operation and understanding, leadership, way of life, women's empowerment, world peace, youth affairs etc.

As a Peace Worker, Kumar started Peace Review – an international journal of peace studies in 1998 and worked as its Editor-in-Chief. In 2001 he has started Global Peace –another international journal of philosophy, peace, education, culture and civilization. Besides, he has inspired hundred and thousands of people all over the world for their commitment towards non-violence by signing pledges.

Between 1993 and 2015 Ravindra Kumar has organised a number of seminars, symposiums and workshops at national and international level on subjects related to value education, religion and politics, non-violence and democracy, morality and ethics in public life, human values and rights, education, peace and development, Gandhian philosophy.

Source : Wikipedia

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