INTER CASTE MARRIAGE BILL - MR. V. J. PATEL | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel


elder brother of Sardar Patel

Mr. Patel’s Inter-caste Hindu Marriage Bill was referred last week to a Select Committee of the Imperial Legislative Council. All the non-official members of the council are members of the Committee, and the Law Member of Government is the only official on it. We print today an article by Mr. Lele on the Bill. Mr. Lele agrees that an age limit should be fixed, but objects to the introduction of a provision to ensure that parties taking advantage of the Bill should have no other husband or wife living. We have just time to-day to state that we strongly disapprove of his line of reasoning. There should be one law and one rule of right for man and woman, and, whatever the Hindu law-giver might have thought in ancient times, we most emphatically protest against the British Indian Legislature extending his one-sided doctrines to a new set of facts. We may add that since his return from England, Mr. Patel has personally assured us that he will himself introduce the age-limit as well as the monogamous principle into the Bill in Select Committee.

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