TODAY THAT DAY : 07 August 1948 | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

TODAY THAT DAY : 07 August 1948

Large-Scale Invasion Possible

From Colin Reid

"Daily Telegraph" & "The Scotsman" Correspondent

New Delhi - Friday - The position in the India-Hyderabad dispute to-night was that while the Nizam's Government and the Government of India were no nearer to common diplomatic ground, Indian troops were extending their operations in Hyderabad State territory.

Following their occupation last week of Nanaj. 40 miles north-west of Sholapur, on the Bombay Province border, the Indian army yesterday destroyed the Hyderabad Village of Yelsangi, 50 miles south-east of Sholapur, and today were dispersing bands of Razakars (State Volunteers.)

Further incursions by Indian troops on a much larger scale are feared unless the Nizam yields swiftly to the pressure of the Indian Government for unconditional accession. As the situation is developing, the conclusion of neutral observers is that each side is attempting to call the bluff of the other.


The Madras office of the Hyderabad State Congress, which demands the State's accession to India, said today it had received reports from Aurangabad, North-West Hyderabad, that 83 villages in the area had declared their independence of the Nizam's rule and established local self-government.

To-night the Nizam informed Sir Mirza Ismail, his special emissary in New Delhi, that he declined to accept his advice to accede to India on the basis of the Mountbatten Monckton draft agreement of June 17. At the same time it was officially announced from Hyderabad that Nawab Zain Yar Joung, the Hyderabad Agent-General in New Delhi, at present Hyderabad communicating Sir Mirza Ismail's views to the Nizam, had resigned, and was returning with his successor to New Delhi tomorrow.

In New Delhi, were the intense loyalty of Nawab Zain Yar Joung to the Nizam is fully appreciated, there was a tendency to interpret this announcement as a security measure for the safe return from Hyderabad of the Agent-General, who is regarded as potential Prime Minister of the State.

With the whole diplomatic situation between India and Hyderabad still fluid and chaotic, apart from the military threat to Hyderabad, neutral observers are still awaiting a major gesture from either side.

Meanwhile, in view of the threat of grave communal issues arising between Moslems and Hindus over the India-Hyderabad quarrel, the Government of India is taking all security measures to prevent disorders in India's larger cities. Gurkha Rifles have been moved to Delhi and police pickets strengthened.


Critical Situations Facing Indian Government

As the first birthday (August 15) of the Dominion of India draws near, the Indian Government is confronted with situations of the most critical nature in Kashmir and Hyderabad.

With rain falling heavily and greatly intensified military opposition, the Indian Army in West Kashmir is doing no more than holding its own. They are up against particularly tough opposition in the Uri-Chakhoti sector where, it is stated, there is a concentration of Pakistan armed units complete with artillery batteries, armoured cars, and anti-aircraft defence.

The Indian Army has been unpleasantly surprised at the opposing forces sustained heavy artillery fire-power, and the casualties on both sides are believed to have been heavy. The forces on the other side appear to be continually reinforced, and although the Indian Defence Ministry claims that upto the present it has held its territory and thrown back all attacks, there seems little doubt that they now face a formidable defence and may even have to expect a counter-offensive.

On the northern front Indian forces have withdrawn from Macchoi, but claim to be stil in possession of the Zojila Pass, a few miles to the south-west. In the east, around Leh in the Ladakh region, there has recently been considerable infiltration by Azad troops. Heavy rain has caused continual breaches in the Indian Army's tenuous supply routes and even the new Pathankot-Jammu road is said to have been damaged. Forward supply dumps, however, are keeping the Indian army going.

In regard to Hyderabad, the Indian Government is firmly maintaining the attitude announced by Sardar Patel, the States Minister, recently at Patiala when he declared the accession was the only feasible course open to the NIzam - Copyright.

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