Today That Day : 02-August-1946 | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

Today That Day : 02-August-1946


DROP POLICY OF THREATS - Congress Chief's Advice to Jinnah

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, leading members of the Congress Working Committee, in a speech at Bombay advised Mr. Jinnah Moslem leader, to drop his and follow "the constructive path of co-operation."

It was the first Congress reaction to Mr. Jinnah's statement on Wednesday that Congress was organising "a mass civil disobedience struggle."

Mr. Jinnah's threatened "direct action" if it was real. Mr. Patel said, was aimed not at the British Government but at Congress because the British had already made it clear that they had no intention of staying in India.

Denying that Congress had concluded a secret deal with the British Cabinet, Mr. Patel said-"It was Mr. Jinnah who entered into a secret understanding and obtained promises behind the back of Congress. He wanted to form an interim Government without Congress, and failed in the attempt. That is why he is angry."

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