TODAY THAT DAY : 28 APRIL 1949 | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel



REACTION was generally favourable to-day to India's new association with the Commonwealth.

The Indian Congress news paper, "Hindustan Times," said that in a quiet businesslike way the Commonwealth Prime Ministers had made history, not only for their group of nations but for the world.

"If there is genuine co-operation and give and take, the association of a fourth of the human race may lead the way to the redemption of the world from the perpetual dread of conflicts and wars and its transformation into a commonwealth of the human race," the paper added.

Sardar Patel, Indian Deputy Prime Minister, commented "Bold and momentous."

He paid tributes to the "full understanding" shown by Britain and the Dominions of India's attitude and acknowledged their "assistance and co-operation."

"We have all taken this step in hope and with faith in the bonafides of each other. The future will show how far that hope and that faith can be fulfilled." he added.

The Canadian Parliament greeted the Commonwealth decisions with thunderous applause, it was reported from Ottawa.

Other comments were: "Bombay Free Press JOurnal" "Wait and see."

"Calcutta Amrit Bazar Patrika": "A partnership which in no way mortgages India's future."

"New York Times":"It is an historic step, not only in the progress of Commonwealth, but in setting a limit to Communist conquest and opening up the prospects of a wider defence system than the Atlantic pact."

Mr. Herbert Morrison read the India declaration in the House of Commons to-day. There will be no immediate debate on the declaration, which was read merely to get it on the Parliamentary record, writes a Lobby correspondent.

In due course, however, a motion to approve it will probably be moved in both Houses of Parliament.

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