Sentence of Death
Calcutta, March 23,
The Lahore High Court rejected the appeal of Bhagat Singh and Rajguru and Sukhdev against the sentence of death in connection with the murder of Mr. Curtis, the police officer, at Lahore, last year.
It is likely that the men will be executed to-morrow morning.
The failure of the efforts to obtain commutation of the sentence created a tense feeling in Congress circles throughout India, and the Bombay Provincial Congress Committee passed a resolution urging a restart of the civil disobedience campaign if the men are executed.
A Karachi report states that if the sentence is carried out one of the principal leaders, who till now, favoured Congress co-operation in the forthcoming Round Table Conference, will refuse to participate in it.
Mahatma Gandhi has asked that all demonstrations cease if the men are executed.
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