TODAY THAT DAY : 08 MARCH 1930 | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel



"Campaign Bound to Involve Violation of Law."


Civil Disobedience March May Begin To-day.

The Viceroy has replied as follows to Mr. Gandhi's threat to start a civil disobedience campaign in India on March 12 : -

Dear Mr. Gandhi,

His Excellency the Viceroy desires me to acknowledge your letter of March 2.

He regrets to learn that you contemplate a course of action which is clearly bound to involve a violation of the law and a danger to public peace.

Yours very truly,

G. Cunningham - Private Secretary.

Mr. V. Patel, Gandhi's principal lieutenant, was imprisoned yesterday (07-03-1930) for disobeying the order prohibiting public speech. Mr. Gandhi says now that he may give the orders to begin the "Civil disobedience" march to-day or tomorrow. Mr. Gandhi also calls for a "HARTAL" (complete cessation of work) today.

In the Legislative Assembly yesterday a motion of censure on the Government was defeated by 50 votes to 31. During the debate Sir James Crerar (the Home Member) repeated the Government's warning that every means would be used to preserve law and order.

The opposition leader, the Pandit Malaviya, said that if the Government would agree to give Dominion status to India as the result of any conference, he would induce Mr. Gandhi to stop civil disobedience campaign.


Appeal for Peaceful "HARTAL" Today.

A message from Borsad states that Mr. Vallabhai Patel, one of the Gandhi's most prominent lieutenants, and a brother of Mr. Patel, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, was arrested today at Ras, in the Borsad Taluk.

He was charged with disobeying the order prohibiting public speech. He was convicted and sentenced to three months simple imprisonment and to pay a fine of 500 rupees, or in default to a further three week's imprisonment. He has been taken to the gaol at Sabarmati.

Mr. Vallabhbhai Patel is one of the leaders in the civil disobedience campaign, and played the most prominent part in the Bardoli agitations.

On receipt of a telegraph informing him of the arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Patel, Mr. Gandhi said that the news should be heartily welcomed. He added that he might have to revise his plans for marching with the first batch of volunteers, as he might give the marching orders for tomorrow or Sunday.

Mr. Gandhi has issued a public appeal to the mill-owners, mill workers, shopkeepers and all citizens, to observe a peaceful hartal (complete cessation of work) tomorrow, "in celebration of the incarceration of the uncrowned King of Gujarat." --Reuter

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