TODAY THAT DAY : 27 - 28 OCTOBER 1933 (Death of Shri Vithalbhai Patel - 22nd October 1933) | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

TODAY THAT DAY : 27 - 28 OCTOBER 1933 (Death of Shri Vithalbhai Patel - 22nd October 1933)

(27 September 1873 – 22 October 1933) 

First Indian President of the Legislative Assembly (1925). Died October 22, 1933. The first Swarajist President of the Bombay Corporation. Visited U.S.A. and Irish Free State to denounce the British Raj.

MR. V. J. PATEL DIES IN SWITZERLAND (22nd October 1933)

Mr. Vithalbhai J. Patel, the former President of the Indian Legislative Assembly, who has been lying seriously ill in a nursing home near Nyon (Lake Geneva), died on Sunday.

He remained conscious to the last, and his last works were : "BEFORE I DIE I PRAY FOR INDIA'S FREEDOM".

By the death of Mr. Patel, a barrister by profession, India  losses a staunch Swarajist and an ardent believer in the non-violence movement.

For a number of year he was Secretary of the Indian National Congress, and in the capacity came to England to give evidence in connection with the Montague-Chelmsford reforms in 1919. He was also a successful Mayor of Bombay.

A close collaborator with Gandhi he joined him in launching the second civil disobedience movement in 1931 and was twice arrested.

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