Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel from Honorable Rajendra Prasad - First President of India 07 August 1948 | Vithalbhai Patel, Sardar Patel

Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel from Honorable Rajendra Prasad - First President of India 07 August 1948

Letter to Vallabhbhai Patel from Honorable Rajendra Prasad - First President of India 07 August 1948

Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Shri R.R. Diwakar and Shri Satyanarian Sinha at the Hon'ble Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Deputy Prime Minister of India, Patel & Miss. Maniben Patel

Vallabhbhai Patel
Camp : Pilani
Jaipur State,

7th August 1948

My Dear Vallabhbhai,

Here is a letter received from a gentleman whom I do not know. He, however represents a not inconsiderable opinion in the Orissa States, The people of course, have had never and opportunity of declaring whether they would like to have a separate union of their own or be merged in the Provience of Orissa. The people of Mahratta States got that opportunity and they decided in favour of merger. It is not safe to assume that all such opinion is inspired by the Rulers. Whether there is merger or not, the Rulers of course cease to have any power, but the opinion of the people should not be ignored. At any rate, it should be ascertained.

Yours Sincerely

Rajendra Prasad

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
New Delhi

Enclosure : 

(A letter from Jaladhar Deb to Dr. Rajendra Prasad)
Bobbili House, Maharanipeta, Waltair.
Courtesy : Dr. Rajendra Prasad Correspondence & Selected Documents Vol 10 

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